Check Nokia Original or Fake by using IMEI No

Nokia is a world most famous mobile brand. The quality of the Nokia mobile will change with the assembling country of the phone. Lets we check the quality of your mobile phone using IMEI number.

First check your mobile IMEI (International mobile identification) number. You can find it under the battery (Remove battery and check) also you can check by typing *#06#. This number looks like

Ex: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (15 digit number)
Now check the 7th and 8th digit of the mobile.
Ex: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Now check your mobile phone made country,
  • 02 or 20 : Mobile phone assembled in Dubai with very low quality.
  • 08 or 80 : Mobile phone assembled in Germany with good quality.
  • 01 or 10 : Mobile phone assembled in Finland with great quality.
  • 00 : Mobile phone assembled with best quality.
  • 13 : Mobile is assembled  with very lowest quality with harm to your health made in Azerbaijan. 

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