SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act, Banned Internet?

If you're aware of the current world technical news, you should definitely hear about this SOPA. SOPA defines by "Stop Online Piracy Act”. This is a new Act going to confirm in USA and it can limit the use of internet. If you're in outside USA, you will think that "this is an Act in USA so there's no any harm". You're wrong, this Act...
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Denis Ritchie Founder of UNIX Operating System and C Programming

Denis Ritchie is one of most unrivalled computer scientist in ever history. Sadly he has passed away recently in 70 years old.  Denis Ritchie is the greatest scientist who found the operating system technology to the world and he is the founder of UNIX operating system (UNIX is the base of every operating system). He is an American...
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Computer Memory Measurement Units

When you buy a computer, most of your friends will ask “What is RAM size?”, “What is hard disk size?” etc. Your answers would be “2GB RAM and 300GB Hard”.  What you expressed by “GB”? GB means Gigabyte and it is kind of a unit to measure the computer memory. Can your brain memory measure in GB? When you download a film, your...
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Microsoft and Mozilla, Bing Search Engine Comes with Firefox

This is the latest league of Microsoft and Mozilla. Now with the Firefox browser, Bing search engine comes as the default search engine. This is a new agreement between Mozilla and Microsoft companies and to publish this around the world Microsoft launched a new website ( By using above site you can download the...
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Human Robot ASIMO of Honda, New Generation Robot

What is the mean of “humanoid robot” or “anthropomorphic robot”? If a robot designs as the shape of human body those are called “humanoid robot” or “anthropomorphic robot”. The Japanese company “Honda” is very famous for designs humanoid robots. “ASIMO” (Advances Step in Innovation Mobility) is the first humanoid robots released by Honda...
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What is CSV files and CSV File Format?

When you use day today files in computer did you ever experienced a file type (file extension) called “CSV”? “CSV” file format can be used to store data (like database). Actually CSV files store data as “basic database format”. Most of the websites use this CSV files to keep their data without using a database. The biggest advantage of...
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Microsoft Office 15, Release on 2012 or 2014?

This is the latest news published in Microsoft is about Microsoft office package 15 (the latest). Before this edition there was 14 Microsoft office packages and that’s why this edition called as “Microsoft office 15” package (Latest published version is Microsoft office 2010 and that’s Microsoft’s 14th office package). This latest Microsoft...
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Computer Myth, Can Magnet Damage the Computer and Hard Drive?

Computer is now becomes very essential thing in our day today life. When you’re using a computer it is important to know how to protect it, how it works smoothly and what the wrong myths etc. Did you ever experience that what are the harms of magnet with the computer. Most of the computer parts are harmless from magnets. But do not ever...
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Neutrino Speed Broke Light Speed and Einstein Theory of Relativity

Albert Einstein is the most famous scientist ever history. He is also called as the father of modern physics. Einstein’s most famous low is “theory of reality” and one fact of it is “if some particle goes in a speed of light the mass of that particle should be zero”. Established fact among the community is “Any particle’s speed cannot exceed...
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First Person Landed on the Moon

This is kind of an old comic kind of technical news to you all. In 1969 July 20 is very important day for humans because Apollo 11 rocket landed the moon with first humans. Still this is considered as the best incident in the history of space exploration. Neil Armstrong is the first person who landed to the moon. But do you know amazingly...
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Fill up Gas in the Morning is Effective and Save Your Money?

This is also kind of another myth (scientifically not a myth) among the vehicle users. So when we look at the scientific background of this, in the morning the temperature is low in the fuel, so the density of the fuel is bit higher than day time. As you all know, Volume = Mass/Density So the volume is a constant (Pumping Gas in Litres),...
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Fuel Efficiency and Gas consumption reduces with Tire Air Pressure

This is a good tip for long distance vehicle drivers. If your vehicle drives with maximum fuel efficiency, definitely it will be very good for your pocket. The tire air pressure is directly effects your gas consumption when you ride long distances.  Some experiments conclude that if your vehicle tires pressure more than or less than...
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Sugar in a Gas Tank Damage Engine MYTH

Putting some sugar into Gas tank, can it stop the whole process of the vehicle? There is a big myth around the world that by putting some sugar (a Spoon of sugar) can damage the engine and it cannot be repair, Can it be true?  There are so many stories about use this method to revenge from enemy. This is definitely a myth because...
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10 Useful Programs for Windows or Essential Software Services

When you using your computer in day today life, you will need software for do your tasks. As an example, if you want to watch a film there should be some media player installed to your computer. There are some recommended programs or software for each task and below top 10 software package will essential software package for your day today...
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Virus File Formats and Define Virus Types in Computer

Is it Virus? How to identify a computer virus or how to suspect a virus? This is the way to do it. In computer world there are so many harmful viruses we can found. But the problem is, it is very difficult to understand whether it is a virus or not. By knowing of the harmful suspected file formats you can identify whether it is a virus or...
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Maximum Processor Temperature and Processor Temperature Range

Processor is the most important gadget in your personal computer. When you are buying a computer what are the things you’re looking for? Definitely you’re looking for the processor speed, manufactured company, the way it works (dual, atom or single core etc) and especially prize. After you bought your computer, it is important to protect...
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Lead Uses Please be Aware of Poisoning when Solder Circuits

Most of the student, kids likes to learn about electronics, circuits and related things. Especially they likes to build various LED circuits, timers, Amplifiers etc. But when you create some electronic stuff like circuit did you ever come up the harms of it. Most of the harms happen to us without any notice, so it is very important aware...
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Fasten Seat Belt and Seat Belt Safety Statistics, Mechanism

It is very important thing that put your seat belt in a correct way while driving. When you drive with seat belts, you’re almost safe with accidents. Let’s we look at how seat belt protects you from an accident. Most of the time vehicle seat belts made up from cotton and nylon. Nylon gives strength of the seat belt that ensures the sustainable...
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Exploding Cell Phone Battery When Charging be Safe

Most of the people thought that mobile phone will leads to brain cancers and tumors, previous article shows about the cancer effect from mobile phone. This article discuss about that “When charging the mobile phone is there any harm of using a mobile (Ex: When charging answer the call)”. When charging the mobile phone, the battery can...
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Robo Earth Database to Network Robots

“Robo Earth” program is an idea of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. This “Robo Earth” does is working as a global database for all Robots in the world. Now days there are so many Robot working around the earth and it worked only instructions it has (All the knowledge of the environments that Robot have to gain individually).  So...
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Hidden Windows Programs and XP Hidden Software

Do you know that some of windows programs are hidden in your operating system? These programs called windows utilities and those are like other windows software. If you have windows XP these codes will work definitely (I didn’t check in windows 7).   Open Start --> Run In the Run type these codes, Iexpress : Command open...
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